Vengeance žemo profilio šilumos skirstytuvų aukštis sumažintas 1,03 colio. Jie skirti didelio našumo sistemoms su ypač dideliais procesoriaus aušintuvais, mažos formos sistemoms arba bet kuriai kitai programai, kuriai trūksta vietos, kur reikia didelio našumo atminties, bet standartiniai Vengeance moduliai gali netikti.
Transcend's DDR4 JetRam Dual Channel Kit provides a fast and easy way to upgrade your desktops. The DRAM module is engineered with the finest chips available, having undergone stringent testing to ensure optimal speeds, endurance, reliability, and compatibility across platforms.
For a variety of computer configurations, the quality and capacity of RAM (random-access memory) modules affect system stability and execution speed a great deal. ADATA Premier Series memory modules are designed specifically to boost overall computer performance and ensure the stability of your systems. In thorough conformance with the industry standards, the Premier Series memory modules are stringently tested to ensure their compatibility and reliability, making them your first choice for memory upgrades in terms of quality and affordability.