Transcend's DDR4 JetRam Dual Channel Kit provides a fast and easy way to upgrade your desktops. The DRAM module is engineered with the finest chips available, having undergone stringent testing to ensure optimal speeds, endurance, reliability, and compatibility across platforms.
The Dominator family of memory represents the ultimate in performance technology engineering from Corsair. The Dominator is designed to have the highest performing IC maximum over-clocking capability and efficient DHX cooling - all the while being stable and reliable. Very few components make it into the Dominator family. Corsair performs rigorous testing and screening on all components to select only the best for the Dominator modules. The tests check for high frequency and/or low latency capabilities for each IC. Then, they are thoroughly tested for maximum interoperability and reliability as a united group to meet the stringent design criteria demanded by performance computing and gaming users.