Optical discs are fast becoming a reliable media to archive your data on. Unfortunately more and more notebook vendors choose to leave the optical drive out of their notebooks in favor of slim designs. Verbatim has the solution with this Ultra HD Blu-ray writer. Use it to create a backup of all the important files that you don't want to lose, family pictures, videos, accounting documents, etc.
Asus Interface USB 3.1 Gen 1 CD read speed 24 x CD write speed 24 x Black Ultra-slim Portable USB 3.1 Gen 1 Blu-ray burner with M-DISC support for lifetime data backup, compatible with USB Type-C and Type-A for both Windows and Mac OS.
Verbatim M-Disc is designed to preserve and protect your files by engraving your information into a layer resistant to light, temperature, and humidity.
The ASUS SDRW-08D2S-U LITE is an external slim DVD writer capable of fast speeds. Its stylish and portable design, with a lattice-like appearance inspired by diamonds, makes the product unique from every angle. Additional features include USB 2.0 and the E-Green Engine for optimal optical storage.